The following information outlines your financial responsibilities related to payment for professional services.
Please bring your insurance card with you to your appointment. All co-payments required by your insurance company are due at the time of service. Our business office will file claims for services rendered and will assist in any reasonable way to help get your claims paid. It is the patient’s responsibility to provide all necessary information before leaving the office. If you have a secondary insurance, we will file a claim with them as soon as the primary carrier has paid.
You are responsible for all co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles. We bill participating insurance companies as a courtesy to you. You are responsible for charges not processed by your insurance carrier. In the event you have an unpaid balance from the insurance company, you will receive a statement from our office clearly identifying insurance payments and your balance due. Payment in full is expected when you receive your statement. Please contact our Billing Office at 706-722-1197 if you wish to set up payment arrangements on your unpaid balances. We utilize the services of an outside collection agency for past due accounts.
For your convenience, payments may be made by cash, personal check, money order, Mastercard or Visa, Discover or American Express.
No Insurance (Self Insured)
Appointments must be approved in advance and payment is required at the time services are rendered unless other arrangements have been made. Payment plans can be established only under the discretion of Management.
Legend Orthopedics participates with and will file claims for Traditional Medicare and Railroad Medicare.
Medicare Advantage Plans
We periodically review plans and make changes whereas participation is concerned. Please contact our Billing Office at 706-722-1197 for a current list of accepted plans.
Commercial Insurance
We are members of the Premier Health Network and participate with most major health plans. Please contact our Billing Office at 706-722-1197 if you have questions regarding participation.
Workers Compensation
If you have an accident or are injured in the work place, please contact your employer and notify them of the injury. We will need to receive authorization from your employer and/or workers compensation carrier before we can schedule an appointment and process claims. Please have your assigned case worker contact our Workers Compensation Department at 706-722-3401 ext 146.